Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » I AM A THROWBACK

    Filed at 2:17 pm under by dcobranchi

    I shave with a 60-year-old razor using a brush and mug to lather up. I wear a 40-year-old old style wind up Timex (21 jewels!). And I write with fountain pens exclusively. So, here’s your chance to be a bit of a throwback, too. November 2nd is Fountain Pen Day. If you’ve never used a fountain pen, now’s the time to try. And if you have just gotten away using from the best writing implements of all time… For shame!

    These disposable Pilot pens have a good rep. If you order in the next 24 hours, they should be there in time for FPD.

    If you don’t want to go the online route, inexpensive fountain pens are also usually available at the larger office supply stores.

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