Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » NO, AUDREY, THEY DON’T

    Filed at 7:06 am under by dcobranchi

    Here’s a terrific Letter to the Editor from a PA homeschooler.

    I’d like to tell you about the homeschooling law.

    In Pennsylvania we have a ton of stuff to do in order to be able to be homeschooled.

    We have to do objectives that get turned in at the beginning of the year (that’s where we list every subject and what we will do).

    We have to do an affidavit (that’s a promise that we won’t break the law).

    We have to turn in our medical, dental and eye records. We have to record every book we read. That’s very hard for me to do because I really like reading.

    We have to do a portfolio (that’s a sample of our work from every subject).

    We also have to take a standardized test and get evaluated at the end of the year. Then we have to turn our work into the school district.

    Other states don’t have these many requirements, and still they do an excellent job. It is a big strain on moms, harder on kids, and it costs a lot of money. It also takes a lot of time.

    I’d like to see home-schoolers have more freedom by less requirements.

    Do Pennsylvania lawmakers want to have well-educated kids who can someday run our state? Then I urge them to make the homeschooling requirements easier.

    Audrey Botsford, age 10

    Unfortunately, Audrey, they don’t want “well-educated kids who can someday run” the state. You are obviously much too intelligent and free-thinking. If you gained power you might actually challenge the g-school’s monopoly.

    6 Responses to “NO, AUDREY, THEY DON’T”

    Comment by
    February 3rd, 2004
    at 1:55 pm

    picking up jaw from the floor.

    That’s a smart kid.

    Comment by
    February 3rd, 2004
    at 6:06 pm

    Medical, dental, and eye records? For pete’s sake.

    They have these on file for all public school kids, of course.?

    Comment by
    February 3rd, 2004
    at 11:09 pm

    Yep! We started homeschooling in PA back in 1992, and moved to Arizona in 1995 where we live today. Despite the high level of oversite, PA school districts also have a reputation for imposing additional requirements on parents that homeschool their children. It can be overwhelming and intimidating. But, PA homeschooled kids can get an official high-school diploma, which has value in some situations. I also want to point out the excellent, outstanding PA Homeschoolers organization (pahome...s.com/) run by the Richman family. They taught my wife and I so much in the early years about homeschooling. In fact, my daughter, now 15, is enrolled in their on-line AP world history class.

    Comment by
    February 3rd, 2004
    at 11:16 pm

    One more thing – If you visit the pahomeschoolers web site, check out the link “homeschooling in PA” and read the history of the legalization of homeschooling in the on-line book “Story of a Bill” with foward by Raymond S Moore. Its humbling and inspirational to read the story of their 5 year lobbying effort between 1984 and 1988 that led to the first homeschool law in PA.

    Comment by
    February 4th, 2004
    at 3:37 am


    While the Richmans may have started out with the best of intentions, they are no friends of homeschooling freedom now.

    Their self-serving testimony during hearings on a proposed homeschooling law helped doom it.

    Comment by
    February 4th, 2004
    at 9:47 pm

    I was going to ask for more info, but I see that “now” is a link. Thanks!