Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » POLICY, POLLY DO?

    Filed at 3:19 pm under by dcobranchi

    Methinks there’s something more behind this than the reporter managed to grasp (passwords at right):

    Homeschoolers have no reason to fear the district’s revised policy, Bristol Warren Regional School Committee Chairwoman Marjorie McBride said.

    The revised homeschooling policy, approved last night in its second reading, brings the committee’s existing policy in line with that of the state Department of Education by stating that parents must submit their teaching curriculum to the committee for approval, and that approval must be renewed every year.

    The policy was approved unanimously with no public comment from parents at the meeting, but homeschoolers have expressed outrage, she said.

    We don’t usually lose these sorts of battles. Any insights from Rhode Islanders out there?

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