Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » DIRTY LAUNDRY

    Filed at 6:30 am under by dcobranchi

    Ryan Boots at Edspresso thinks I was too hard on the g-schools’ efforts to recruit homeschoolers.

    2 Responses to “DIRTY LAUNDRY”

    Comment by
    November 3rd, 2006
    at 9:34 am

    How odd. I didn’t find your position to be ‘hard’ at all.

    And quite frankly, I don’t find declining enrollments to be a bad thing . Maybe Mr. Boots should come to Raleigh and see what burgeoning enrollments do to schools.

    Comment by
    November 3rd, 2006
    at 10:30 am

    I don’t think you were too hard on them, but I think that it is indeed a direct result of the competition that virtual schools, charters, vouchers and NCLB have brought to the table.

    I have seen it happen again and again in my state. Districts lose students to the public virtual schools and in turn lose funding. It has brought unwanted attention to homeschoolers when they have lost funding for former homeschoolers from their districts enrolling in pubiic school for the first time via a virtual schools outside of their district. It has been a topic at state legislative hearings due to spikes in education funding and it has caused to ask if the state wants to fund homeschooling.

    In response to this situation many districts have contracted with virtual school providers such as the Jefferson County ESC in Ohio. This Educational Service Center provides districts with all they need to start their own virtual school in an attempt to keep the funding in their own pot. Districts and Corporate Virtual school providers in turn bombard homeschoolers with marketing via the radio, the television and tons of mailers, recruiting them to homeschool with their program that is like homeschooling, but a bit better due to the expert help.