Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » ARMED AND DANGEROUS

    Filed at 6:40 pm under by dcobranchi

    Not the kids. The cops.

    Disruptive snowball fights on the ECU campus Tuesday resulted in some injuries, one arrest and an officer using pepper spray.

    At least they didn’t tase them.

    5 Responses to “ARMED AND DANGEROUS”

    Comment by
    January 23rd, 2009
    at 12:05 pm

    Tasing is for unruly individuals, pepper spray is for unruly crowds. I’d rather be tased, because the effects dissapear completely once the current stops flowing. With pepper spray, you need light medical attention to flush the stuff off of you.
    You apparently still fail to understand that if the cop didn’t have his can of mace to use, he would have used his gun.

    Comment by
    January 23rd, 2009
    at 12:06 pm

    (or maybe his nightstick. Either way, it would have required a lot more than a minor saline wash to treat the results.)

    Comment by
    Daryl Cobranchi
    January 23rd, 2009
    at 12:32 pm

    I’d rather be tased, because the effects dissapear completely once the heart current stops flowing.

    Fixed it for you.

    Comment by
    Daryl Cobranchi
    January 23rd, 2009
    at 12:33 pm

    And if you really think the cop would have been justified shooting a student with either a taser or a gun for throwing snowballs, you’re more insane than the cop.

    Comment by
    January 23rd, 2009
    at 3:51 pm

    “Students rushed police who were making an arrest, prompting one officer to use chemical spray on them.”

    It wasn’t the snowball throwing, it was the cop rushing. “Students” don’t rush cops. Mobs rush cops. Bad guys rush cops. Dangerous people rush cops. So yeah, since a cop can’t just hope there’s no danger in being rushed, I’m very very glad he had something besides his gun to reach for.

    Still having a hard time wondering why you’re not glad.